The maiden edition of the GoDigital Academy was launched on Thursday, October 26, 2019 at Sheraton Hotel, Lagos.Â
The idea of the Academy was born out of the frustration from the numerous complaints from everyone trying to build a business online.
In fact, 100% of the participants confirmed buying courses or trainings in the past from different gurus online which have never helped them made a kobo.Â
The follow-up from these courses are as well zero!
It was shocking to know even that these gurus include some of our IG and FB online money-making celebrities and motivational speakers.Â
This is pointing to the fact that it requires serious learning and guidance to build a profitable online business.Â
The session on Thursday September 26 2019 was a full day of over 10 hours of online business strategy building training that was geared towards helping the participants build a profitable online business from their idea, passion, skill, talent, product, profession or even from their challenges.Â
The class room session is to be followed by a 3-month one-on-one mentoring session twice a month with each of the participant to make the execution of whatever they learn in the class easy and profitable.Â

The 10-hour full day GoDigitial Academy comprises of 10 solid modules with different sub-topics to learn the nitty gritty of how to build a profitable online business.
Right from idea generation to business launch.
For example, many online business owners are the reasons for their own failure as they struggle to build an online business in a niche where they can’t survive.Â
How about building an online business around what you are already a master in? It does not matter what it is!
This is the first assignment at the Academy.Â
Every participant is given an idea generation worksheet which they need to feel right there and their online business idea will be staring at them right in the face.Â
That is not all!
Generating an idea is not enough, you have to subject your idea to the Profit Test.
This is another exercise we carried out at the Academy.
All the ideas generated by the participants were subjected to the profit test using the worksheet made for this too.Â
Right there, each participant saw how profitable their idea will be and whether they will pursue it or drop it. No sentiment!

The above module was followed by several other modules from the best strategy to launch into the online space as a new online business owner, how to start getting your own tribes that believe in you and trust you.Â
How to monetise your idea in the simplest and the most profitable way possible.
How to scale up your online business.
How to build an online business that does not depend only on social media marketing.
How to bypass the Facebook ad account ban hammer in your online business, and so on and on.Â

That is not all, there is the most important session at the GoDigital Academy when each participant came out for their online business strategy building session with me.Â
In this session, I called out each participant and sat face to face to ask series of questions and at the same time gave them different ways the particular idea they have chosen could be monetised online.
At the end of the this session, everyone of the participants was clear about what and what they need to do to launch and succeed in their business.Â
Some of them showed how relieved and happy they were after the session.Â
Profitable internet business could not be made simpler.Â

The Academy was not all about work and work alone.
We also played, networked and enjoyed so much too.Â
We had time for tea break and lunch all served at the Sheraton hotel standard.Â
This was deliberate.
Learning effectively requires the learner to be in the best frame of mind possible to facilitate comprehension and bring about motivation.Â
For those that attended the September edition, work has just started.Â
In the next few weeks, we shall be sharing the testimonies of their successful online business launch with everyone.Â

If you are tired of buying courses and trainings that don’t help you too just like my Academy participants, the GoDigital Academy is where you need to be.Â
Click here now to join the next class.Â
Plan B
I must confess,the scenes of the event was awesome. I pray that God will give me the opportunity to attend the next one.
You really need to attend the next one Ferdinand.
It will be nice to host you.