E-commerce Success: Learn The Complete Step-by-Step Process To Search For, Import, Market And Profitably Sell Hot And Best-selling Products From China

Your Financial Transformation in 2019 Starts Here!

Online Mini Importation business is a profitable business  and can lead to financial freedom, independence and your dream life…with proper guidance from someone that is experienced in it. 

Tiamiyu Ibraheem Abiodun (Plan B) Strictly Business NG

Ibraheem Tiamiyu (Plan B), parallel entrepreneur, Group CEO of Plan B Group, founder of StrictlyBusiness and multiple award-winning speaker and trainer on  business, investment, leadership, youth and organizational development will show you how to achieve exactly that with this course. 

See what former participants of this course have to say;

Testimony for mini importation masterclass by Plan B

You will see even more testimonies and feedback below...

Start Your Mini Importation Business With Complete Confidence

My video training, FREE tools, mentoring and guidance will help you all the way.


With over 10 videos and tools including website and advert templates, worksheets, case studies and samples to help you get your business going quickly.


Learn the same techniques that Plan B and his students use to run their successful mini importation businesses totally from scratch.


No delays, you can start immediately with just a token of...


1. Making Up Your Mind

The critical mindset for being a successful mini importer and how this business may be easier than you think. Plus, the top 5 mini importation business secrets you must know.

2. My Secret Strategies for Searching for Hot/Best Selling Products To Import

Explore practical and proven strategies smart mini importers like me use to search for the best selling products to import. This strategies don't fail.

3. How to Make Your Product Different from the Others

You will learn the proven strategy I use to kill competition totally. Since there is no competition, my customers don't have anyone to compare with me in price or even quality. They sleep buy from me or live with pain of not doing so.

4. How to Buy Your Goods and Pay Under 24hours

If there is one thing that suffers mini importers so much, it is the issues with the Agents not responding in time. It takes them days at times to respond. This used to affect me too until I devised a means recently. I now get my stuffs ordered and paid for almost immediately through a private means that is even cheaper than using the commercial Agents. I have never disclosed this to anyone but you will have access to it if you apply for this course today.

5. Shipping Your Products Down To Nigeria in a Matter of Days

Wait until you see my genius way of getting my goods down to Nigeria in a matter of days without any hassle. All I get is a WhatsApp message that my stuffs have arrived and ready for pick-up. No hassles, no worries.

6. How to Market and Sell your Goods Online

I will be teaching you the basics of Facebook, Instagram and Email Marketing. This 3 can turn you into an instant success. You will learn how not to get your FB account banned. This has suffered me and a lot of people over the years until I was able to recently conquer the monster. I will teach you my strategy to get sales from these channels even if you had not prior experience.

7. Offline Marketing

Some people just have phobia for technology. Don't worry, you can handle this. I will be teaching several simple proven techniques to sell your goods in mass without using the internet too and you won't need a shop neither.

8. How to Scale-up Your Business

What is the essence of a business if it can't be taken from 20k to 2M? What is the essence of a business if it can't be automated? I will teach you how to achieve this with simple tools and strategies that have worked for me over time.

9. Free Tools and Resources

If you decide to sell online, I will give you FREE access to the tools I use to churn out websites under few minutes with detailed video tutorials to guide you. If you have been wanting to do e-commerce, this is the opportunity you have been waiting for.

10. Branding Tips

Nowadays, I design all my creatives and banners by myself. All thanks to a FREE online tool which I will also be giving you an access to and a video tutorial to guide you along. You will be able to design stunning and beautiful banners for your products to make them appeal to your prospective customers.


Sales Funnel Development

I will teach you how to duplicate my sales funnels that generate sales for me on  a regular basis. This includes all the FB. IG and Email swipe for those of you who really want to go BIG with internet marketing via your mini importation business venture. 

Support and Mentoring

I don’t leave my people alone. You already know that about me. We are stuck together until you succeed. You have my unlimited support as far as this course is concerned. 

Even before the class ends, you will be able to order for products from China like of I did some of my students before. See the image below;

Also, you will be able to setup your Digital Marketing channel to easily sell your imported goods in easy-to-follow steps that I teach in my videos. See an example below too;

See more feedback and testimonials below;

Plan B Mini importation testimony
Mini importation masterclass testimony
Mini importation masterclass testimony by shakirat yusuff


High-quality videos that will walk you through every step of starting and succeeding with your business


Copy and use these samples for your business. Plus 100-page profitable business idea E-book.


Interactive/downloadable worksheets, templates and forms to get your business going as quickly as possible.


Your order is risk free! Full refund for 30 days if for any reason you are unsatisfied.


N5,999 ONLY!

Limited Time Offer!


  1. This MatserClass is going to run for 4 days online: Friday 25 – Monday 28/01/2019
  2. You will be added to the exclusive online class after your payment has been confirmed ONLY.
  3. The class starts on Friday 25/01/2019
  4. Payments and registrations close on Wednesday 23/01/2019 by exactly 4pm.  


Here’s How to Get Access Almost Immediately

Bank Deposit, Internet/ATM Transfer/Mobile Money etc 

STEP 1: Make a deposit/transfer of N5,999 into;
Bank: First Bank PLC
Account Name: Plan B Business Link International
Account No: 201-970-9376

STEP 2: After payment, send me an email message (not text message. not whatsapp), containing YOUR NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER and Date pf payment to 

As soon as your payment is confirmed, you’ll be given the link to join the exclusive whatsapp group.

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